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You may have noticed that that podcast has been on a bit of a sabbatical for…two years now. As crazy as it sounds, I have been training, learning planning, and perfecting podcasting for myself and for all of you. I am now so excited to share that Angel Reads the Bible will finally return in 2024! In the meantime, check out some of my old episodes here.

summer scripture.png


Let’s start this blog thing over again with a personal introduction… - My name is Angel, I am a wife, mom, wind energy expert, entrepreneur, podcaster, budding creative and minister of the Gospel. I am a meteorologist by trade; and for the last 13 years I have worked in offshore wind energy development. When I am not wife-ing, momming, working or ministering (not always in that order either) I am inspiring the next generation of earth and environmental science professionals through my Discover Earth Camp initiative.

Read more on the blog…

Follow me @AboutAngelM


The Angel Reads the Bible podcast is hosted by Angel McCoy, a wife, mom, meteorologist and bible reader!

Let’s seek the word of God for answers; and leave out the over complication. This podcast is available on all platforms!
